AngularJS Authentication + RESTful API

This is taken from my blog post on url route authorisation and element security here but I will briefly summaries the main points 🙂

Security in frontend web application is merely a starting measure to stop Joe Public, however any user with some web knowledge can circumvent it so you should always have security server-side as well.

The main concern around security stuff in angular is route security, luckily when defining a route in angular you are create an object, an object that can have other properties. The cornerstone to my approach is to add a security object to this route object which basically defines the roles the user must be in to be able to access a particular route.

 // route which requires the user to be logged in and have the 'Admin' or 'UserManager' permission
    $routeProvider.when('/admin/users', {
        controller: 'userListCtrl',
        templateUrl: 'js/modules/admin/html/users.tmpl.html',
        access: {
            requiresLogin: true,
            requiredPermissions: ['Admin', 'UserManager'],
            permissionType: 'AtLeastOne'

The whole approach focuses around an authorisation service which basically does the check to see if the user has the required permissions. This service abstract the concerns away from the other parts of this solution to do with the user and their actual permission that would have been retrieved from the server during login. While the code is quite verbose it is fully explained in my blog post. However, it basically handle the permission check and two modes of authorisation. The first is that the user must have at least on of the defined permissions, the second is the user must have all of the defined permissions.

angular.module(, [  
function (authentication) {  
 var authorize = function (loginRequired, requiredPermissions, permissionCheckType) {
    var result = jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.authorised,
        user = authentication.getCurrentLoginUser(),
        loweredPermissions = [],
        hasPermission = true,
        permission, i;

    permissionCheckType = permissionCheckType || jcs.modules.auth.enums.permissionCheckType.atLeastOne;
    if (loginRequired === true && user === undefined) {
        result = jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.loginRequired;
    } else if ((loginRequired === true && user !== undefined) &&
        (requiredPermissions === undefined || requiredPermissions.length === 0)) {
        // Login is required but no specific permissions are specified.
        result = jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.authorised;
    } else if (requiredPermissions) {
        loweredPermissions = [];
        angular.forEach(user.permissions, function (permission) {

        for (i = 0; i < requiredPermissions.length; i += 1) {
            permission = requiredPermissions[i].toLowerCase();

            if (permissionCheckType === jcs.modules.auth.enums.permissionCheckType.combinationRequired) {
                hasPermission = hasPermission && loweredPermissions.indexOf(permission) > -1;
                // if all the permissions are required and hasPermission is false there is no point carrying on
                if (hasPermission === false) {
            } else if (permissionCheckType === jcs.modules.auth.enums.permissionCheckType.atLeastOne) {
                hasPermission = loweredPermissions.indexOf(permission) > -1;
                // if we only need one of the permissions and we have it there is no point carrying on
                if (hasPermission) {

        result = hasPermission ?
                 jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.authorised :

    return result;

Now that a route has security you need a way of determining if a user can access the route when a route change has been started. To do this we be intercepting the route change request, examining the route object (with our new access object on it) and if the user cannot access the view we replace the route with another one.

    function ($rootScope, $location, authorization) {
        $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next) {
            var authorised;
            if (next.access !== undefined) {
                authorised = authorization.authorize(next.access.loginRequired,
                if (authorised === jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.loginRequired) {
                } else if (authorised === jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.notAuthorised) {

The key here really is the ‘.replace()’ as this replace the current route (the one they have not got rights to see) with the route we are redirecting them to. This stop any then navigating back to the unauthorised route.

Now we can intercept routes we can do quite a few cool things including redirecting after a login if a user landed on a route that they needed to be logged in for.

The second part of the solution is being able to hide/show UI element to the user depending on there rights. This is achieve via a simple directive.

angular.module('access', [ ,
        function (authorization) {
            return {
              restrict: 'A',
              link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
                  var makeVisible = function () {
                      makeHidden = function () {
                      determineVisibility = function (resetFirst) {
                          var result;
                          if (resetFirst) {

                          result = authorization.authorize(true, roles, attrs.accessPermissionType);
                          if (result === jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.authorised) {
                          } else {
                      roles = attrs.access.split(',');

                  if (roles.length > 0) {

You would then sure an element like so:

 <button type="button" access="CanEditUser, Admin" access-permission-type="AtLeastOne">Save User</button>

Read my full blog post for a much more detailed overview to the approach.

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