Angular 4: no component factory found,did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

Add this in your module.ts,

declarations: [

if ConfirmComponent is in another module, you need to export it there thus you can use it outside, add:

exports: [ ConfirmComponent ]

—Update Angular 9 or Angular 8 with Ivy explicitly enabled—

Entry Components With Ivy are not required anymore and now are deprecated

—for Angular 9 and 8 with Ivy disabled—

In the case of a dynamically loaded component and in order for a ComponentFactory to be generated, the component must also be added to the module’s entryComponents:

declarations: [
entryComponents: [ConfirmComponent],

according to the definition of entryComponents

Specifies a list of components that should be compiled when this module is defined. For each component listed here, Angular will create a ComponentFactory and store it in the ComponentFactoryResolver.

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