Android Studio Bumblebee Wifi pairing Issue

I had a similar problem and managed to solve it the following way:

Quick fix

  1. In Android Studio, File -> Settings
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger
  3. Under Android Debug Bridge (adb), uncheck ‘Enable adb mDNS for wireless debugging’ and Apply
  4. Wait some seconds for changes to take effect
  5. Recheck ‘adb mDNS for wireless debugging’ and Apply
  6. On the pop-up window from Windows Defender, allow network access to adb

Extended sollution
By checking the Android Studio logs (Help -> Show Log in Explorer) you can find an error message regarding the adb mDNS daemon.

INFO – ireless.WiFiPairingServiceImpl – ‘adb mdns check’ (not supported) result:
INFO – ireless.WiFiPairingServiceImpl – ERROR: mdns daemon unavailable
INFO – ireless.WiFiPairingServiceImpl – Checking if mDNS is supportState result: NotSupported

If you run that command in e.g. Powershell (adb mdns check) you will see that you get the exact same error message. After some research I found out you could disable this mDNS service in the Andoid Studio settings.

  1. File -> Settings
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger
  3. Under Andoird Debug Bridge (adb), uncheck ‘Enable adb mDNS for wireless debugging’
  4. Hit apply
  5. Recheck ‘adb mDNS for wireless debugging’
  6. Hit apply

Now a pop-up window should appear asking you to allow adb network access. Click on allow access.
Wi-Fi pair should work now.

See also: Pairing new device on Android Studio BumbleBee over Wifi

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