- The update action (PUT method) is not appropriate because PUT is suppose to be idempotent. The only this would be possible is if the state was sent as part of the representation. This is inconsistet with an “event”. Is this correct?
- Since, events aren’t idempotent, then the a POST must be used. But, to which resource? Is there a subresource for each possible event? Or, is there one (/updatestate) that takes as its representation the event to trigger and any parameters to the event?
You can do it both ways. You can support both in the same application, with variation in event types being determined by either the incoming document or the receiving resource. Personally, I would prefer to do it by differing document types, but that’s just my opinion. If you do go the multiple resources route, make sure they’re discoverable (i.e., by having links to each of them described in the document returned when you GET their parent resource).
- Since the state of the resource is modified by an event triggered potentially by another resource, should the create action accept changes to the state attribute (or any other attributes that are dependent on the state machine)?
Up to you; there’s no real reason why you have to pay close attention to any particular attribute on creation. (You could rationalize this by saying that the state changes to a proper initial state for the state machine immediately after creation.) In the state machines I’ve done, the creation was by a POST anyway (and of a different – rather complex – document) so the whole thing was moot, but if you allow multiple initial states then it makes sense to take a “this is my preferred starting state” hint in the creation document. To be clear, just because the user wants it doesn’t mean you have to do it; whether you want to complain to the user when you reject a suggestion of theirs is your call.
- List item
[Stock answer.]