Angular 4 – using objects for option values in a select list

I’m currently using [ngValue] and it stores objects just fine.

The explanation as to why you experienced issues using (change) instead of (ngModelChange) can be found in this question

So, since you’ve already used [ngValue], you probably want to do something like this, where you will only use one way binding in order to be able to use the ngModelChange directive:

<select (ngModelChange)="setNewUser($event)" (ngModel)="lUsers">
        <option *ngFor="let user of lUsers" [ngValue]="user">

And your ts file will capture the event and receive the User object without needing to track it by id, basically reusing your old method will be good enough:

setNewUser(user: User): void {
    this.curUser = user;

UPDATE 16/06/2020:

Always depending on your use case you may need to use square brackets instead of round here: (ngModel)="lUsers. For the particular case the OP stated, round brackets was the right choice. A clear and detailed description of the difference between square/round and banana box can be found in this answer from Angular guru Günter Zöchbauer

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