Spring JPA Repository dynamic query [duplicate]

Per JB Nizet and the spring-data documentation, you should use a custom interface + repository implementation. Create an interface with the method: public interface MyEntityRepositoryCustom { List<User> findByFilterText(Set<String> words); } Create an implementation: @Repository public class MyEntityRepositoryImpl implements MyEntityRepositoryCustom { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; public List<User> findByFilterText(Set<String> words) { // implementation below } } Extend … Read more

How to persist LocalDate with JPA?

With JPA 2.2, you no longer need to use converter it added support for the mapping of the following java.time types: java.time.LocalDate java.time.LocalTime java.time.LocalDateTime java.time.OffsetTime java.time.OffsetDateTime @Column(columnDefinition = “DATE”) private LocalDate date; @Column(columnDefinition = “TIMESTAMP”) private LocalDateTime dateTime; @Column(columnDefinition = “TIME”) private LocalTime localTime;

Error: Maximum response size reached get method Json object along with file part (Spring boot rest api)

This is a Postman specific error and it is generated because there is a Max Response Size limit available in the settings. By default it is 50 MB. Which means, Postman will fail the request if the response size exceeds 50 MBs. Since, you are receiving JSON data along with file part or file base64 … Read more

Spring Data JPA NamedStoredProcedureQuery Multiple Out Parameters

It looks like @Procedure expects only one OUT parameter which is binded directly to the method return type… To handle multiple OUT params you can use the JPA API directly: StoredProcedureQuery proc = em.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(“plus1”); proc.setParameter(“arg”, 1); proc.execute(); Integer res1 = (Integer) proc.getOutputParameterValue(“res1”); Integer res2 = (Integer) proc.getOutputParameterValue(“res2”); …

Use abstract super class as parameter for Spring data repository

If you aren’t using table inheritance on the database side (e.g. super class table with descriminator column), AFAIK, and based off reading the JPA tutorial, this can’t be done (i.e. simply using @MappedSuperclass annotation for your abstract class) Mapped superclasses cannot be queried and cannot be used in EntityManager or Query operations. You must use … Read more

JpaRepository caches newly created object. How to refresh it?

If you are using Hibernate, this is the expected result. When you call translationRepository.saveAndFlush(translation) and translationRepository.findOne(t.getId()) one after the other, they hit the same Hibernate session which maintains a cache of all objects that it has worked on. Therefore, the second call simply returns the object passed to the first. There is nothing in those … Read more

Spring data CrudRepository exists

@Oleksandr’s answer is correct, but the only way I could get it to work is as follows. I’m using Eclipselink on PostgreSQL. public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { @Query(“SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(u) > 0 THEN ‘true’ ELSE ‘false’ END FROM User u WHERE u.username = ?1”) public Boolean existsByUsername(String username); }
