PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause [duplicate]

What I do is to add a “?” for each possible value. var stmt = String.format(“select * from test where field in (%s)”, .map(v -> “?”) .collect(Collectors.joining(“, “))); Alternative using StringBuilder (which was the original answer 10+ years ago) List values = … StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for( int i = 0 ; … Read more

SQLAlchemy IN clause

How about session.query(MyUserClass).filter(,456))).all() edit: Without the ORM, it would be session.execute( select( [,],, 456)) ) ).fetchall() select() takes two parameters, the first one is a list of fields to retrieve, the second one is the where condition. You can access all fields on a table object via the c (or columns) property.

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?

An analysis of the various options available, and the pros and cons of each is available in Jeanne Boyarsky’s Batching Select Statements in JDBC entry on JavaRanch Journal. The suggested options are: Prepare SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column = ?, execute it for each value and UNION the results client-side. Requires only one prepared … Read more
