Failed to run sdkmanager –list with Java 9

With the help of this answer, I successfully solved the problem. We are going to apply a fix in sdkmanager. It is a shell script. It is located at $android_sdk/tools/bin, where $android_sdk is where you unzipped the Android SDK. Open sdkmanager in your favorite editor. Locate the line which sets the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTSvariable. In my copy, … Read more

Android Command line tools sdkmanager always shows: Warning: Could not create settings

Instead of passing the argument –sdk_root for each single command execution, let’s deep dive into the real cause. Starting from Android SDK Command-line Tools 1.0.0 (6200805), in contrast to Android SDK 26.1.1 (4333796), the tools directory hierarchy has been changed. Previously it was placed right inside ANDROID_HOME (which is deprecated, we will use the term … Read more

No version of NDK matched the requested version

The following solutions assume that the machine you are using currently has NDK installed and was previously able to build your project but started failing with the error “No version of NDK matched the requested version” after updating to Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0. Before proceeding make sure to have NDK installed. Option 1: You can … Read more

How do I download the Android SDK without downloading Android Studio?

You can find the command line tools at the downloads page under the “Command line tools only” section. These are the links provided in the page as of now (version 26.1.1): Windows no installer: MacOSX: Linux: Be sure to have read and agreed with the terms of service before downloading any of … Read more
