How do you make an errorbar plot in matplotlib using linestyle=None in rcParams?

This is a “bug” in older versions of matplotlib (and has been fixed for the 1.4 series). The issue is that in Axes.errorbar there is a default value of '-' for fmt, which is then passed to the call to plot which is used to draw the markers and line. Because a format string is passed into plot in never looks at the default value in rcparams.

You can also pass in fmt=""

eb = plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=.1, fmt="", color="b")

which will cause the rcParam['lines.linestlye'] value to be respected. I have submitted a PRto implement this.

Another work around for this is to make the errorbar in two steps:

l0, = plt.plot(x,y, marker="o", color="b")
eb = plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=.1, fmt=None, color="b")

This is an annoying design decision, but changing it would be a major api break. Please open an issue on github about this.

errorbar doc.

As a side note, it looks like the call signature was last changed in 2007, and that was to make errorbars not default to blue.

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