You probably want to look into Markov Chains as the basics for the bot AI. I wrote something a long time ago (the code to which I’m not proud of at all, and needs some mods to run on Python > 1.5) that may be a useful starting place for you:
EDIT: Here’s a minimal example in Python of a Markov Chain that accepts input from stdin and outputs text based on the probabilities of words succeeding one another in the input. It’s optimized for IRC-style chat logs, but running any decent-sized text through it should demonstrate the concepts:
import random, sys
NONWORD = "\n"
class MarkovChainer(object):
def __init__(self):
self.state = dict()
def input(self, input):
word1, word2 = STARTKEY
for word3 in input.split():
self.state.setdefault((word1, word2), list()).append(word3)
word1, word2 = word2, word3
self.state.setdefault((word1, word2), list()).append(NONWORD)
def output(self):
output = list()
word1, word2 = STARTKEY
for i in range(MAXGEN):
word3 = random.choice(self.state[(word1,word2)])
if word3 == NONWORD: break
word1, word2 = word2, word3
return " ".join(output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = MarkovChainer()
print c.output()
It’s pretty easy from here to plug in persistence and an IRC library and have the basis of the type of bot you’re talking about.