Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser

Since Sarfraz has not corrected his answer (thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct direction), I will post functioning code here.

var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
$.browser.chrome = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); 

// Is this a version of Chrome?
  userAgent = userAgent.substring(userAgent.indexOf('chrome/') +7);
  userAgent = userAgent.substring(0,userAgent.indexOf('.'));
  $.browser.version = userAgent;
  // If it is chrome then jQuery thinks it's safari so we have to tell it it isn't
  $.browser.safari = false;

// Is this a version of Safari?
  userAgent = userAgent.substring(userAgent.indexOf('version/') +8);
  userAgent = userAgent.substring(0,userAgent.indexOf('.'));
  $.browser.version = userAgent;

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